

FOSS Post started as a side job for one person who saw that people deserve more than some news and tutorials. They deserve quality; Great content which is based on scientific sources to deliver great value to the audience. This was our message since the beginning of this project.

FOSS Post is completely managed by volunteers. People like you who are students, engineers, system administrators and FOSS enthusiasts are the ones who create those amazing stories about Linux and open source software. However, there is – and always will be – some bills and costs to pay for the infrastructure (hosting, publishing, some writing salaries… etc).

Currently, we are doing our best to keep the website up. However, if you like the stories we provide you with, please feel free to leave a small contribution to FOSS Post via PayPal. No matter how small this contribution is (even if it was $1) it will really help us to solve a lot of problems we are facing. More importantly, we’ll be sure that the stories we write are useful for someone!

Thanks to the contributors of the donors below and our Patreon campaign supporters, we were able to release FOSS Quiz. More donations from you mean we’ll be able to expand the scope both of FOSS Post and FOSS Quiz.

To support us via PayPal, click on the image below. If you don’t have PayPal, leave us a message on contact[at] to check how you can reach us:


A list of donors and the amounts they contributed will be inserted here.

You can also support us via Bitcoin (But sadly we won’t know who sent us the payment unless you drop us an email):

Tony Rawlings2020 / 04 / 13$10
Matija Han2020 / 05 / 10$5
Isak Holmström2020 / 06 / 05$5
Kevin Mace2020 / 06 / 23$2
Andrew Lainson2020 / 07 / 26$5
François Pelletier2020 / 07 / 26$5
Said Rahal2020 / 08 / 02$5
Enno Nagel2020 / 08 / 03$5.5
Michael Grabowski2020 / 08 / 03$2
John Borgford2020 / 08 / 03$10
David Son2020 / 08 / 06$10
Martin Albion2020 / 08 / 19$20
Said Rahal2020 / 09 / 03$5
Anonymous Donor2020 / 09 / 17$10
Karuna-Mayi Devi-Dasi2020 / 09 / 28$15
Said Rahal2020 / 10 / 02$5
Marius Bunes2020 / 10 / 10$15
Logical EM Systems, Inc2020 / 10 / 25$10
Said Rahal2020 / 11 / 02$5
Jeffrey Griffin2020 / 11 / 09$1
Bruno Estrangin2020 / 11 / 11$50
Kodo Korkalo2020 / 11 / 14$10
Jose Sanchez2020 / 11 / 20$10
Said Rahal2020 / 12 / 02$5
Said Rahal2021/ 01 / 02$5
Said Rahal2021/ 02 / 02$5
Said Rahal2021/ 03 / 02$5
Said Rahal2021 / 04 / 02$5
Said Rahal2021 / 05 / 02$5
Said Rahal2021 / 06 / 02$5
Said Rahal2021 / 07 / 02$5
Brock Eastman2021 / 08 / 19$20
Said Rahal2021 / 09 / 02$5
Jaden Lorenc2021 / 09 / 09$2
Sheridan George2021 / 09 / 22$10
Said Rahal2021 / 10 / 02$5
James Jirka2022 / 06 / 24$10
Nancy Alcornkell2023 / 02 / 13$3
Max Staff2023 / 06 / 02$10
Whale Agency B.V.2023 / 07 / 05$5
Dr m Buckton2023 / 11 / 25$10
Donald Cole2024 / 01 / 05$5
Abdullahi Abdurahman2024 / 03 / 11$5
Paul Engelen2024 / 04 / 25$5
Scott VanKirk2024 / 09 / 14$10

Our biggest thanks to all our supporters in this page 🙂